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If you are wanting those deep dark chocolate eggs in your egg collecting basket, this is the breed for you!
French Black Copper Marans are sold straight run meaning we cannot guarantee you the gender.
Each chick has a 50/50 chance of being male or female.
Quick Breed Stats
Egg Color: Chocolate
Egg Bloom: Can sometimes have bloom making the eggs look a totally different shade of purple
Egg Size: Larger than standard
Egg Texture: Shiny and smooth.
Egg Production During Spring and Summer: medium roughly 4 eggs a week.
Meat Production: duel purpose, both males and female have some meat on them.
Heat Tolerance: moderate, these are slightly larger birds that need shelter from extreme heat
Cold Tolerance: very high
Disposition: sweet, communicative, laid back, curious.
Weeks to Maturity: 22
Free Range Ability: high, males are always on the lookout for predators. Females run to shelter if the rooster sounds the predator alarm.
Likelihood They Will Want To Hatch Eggs: moderate
We are really excited about our Marans for the 2025 breeding program. After years of tinkering we believe we have finally found the perfect balance of stunning dark chocolate egg color, high production and hen beauty. The marans egg is always the egg that will stop people in their tracks when they look at a dozen. The color and quality of the eggs that our marans lay is one of the many things that makes our breeding program stand out in comparison to larger hatcheries. You will not be disappointed by the beauty of both the birds and eggs of this breed.
Our girls and boys are all feathered on shake and their outside toes. 90% of our females have nice copper expression in their necks and all have an excellent disposition. Our 2025 Alchemist Line of French Black Copper Marans a completely new line from our previous years releases. If you are looking for more genetic diversity from the birds you have received from us in the past – look no further! We have been perfecting this line for 10 years and 2025 is the best release yet!
We are particularly fond of our Marans roosters who are not only stunning, they are extremely docile and trustworthy. Our roosters faithfully mate with our hens and always give them the first chance at food.
Whenever we sell a dozen mixed rainbow eggs to a customer they always comment on the Marans eggs first because of their beauty and size. The quality of their egg overall is superior to that of a regular hen. The shells are thick and hard and when cracked open, the yolk of our free-range birds is bright orange, bursting with vitamins, protein and fats from the extra time it took to lay the egg. While a typical store-bought egg has a yolk that is runny and flaccid, the free-range Marans produce yolks that have ‘muscle tone;’ little orange domes that jut skyward from the egg white. (Perhaps, for these reasons, the author Ian Fleming identified Marans eggs as those most preferred by James Bond.)