All posts tagged: Heritage chicken breeds

Eat The Rainbow

Almost too good to eat. . . . .almost 😉.

Want to feed your family the best food possible? Eggs laid by chickens that are truly raised on pasture are the way to go. Not every egg is laid equal. Eggs laid by hens in a warehouse will have the protein you are looking for but will be lacking in many of the other possible nutrients a chicken egg can contain. To build healthy eggs the hens must be given healthy conditions.
We get to be co creators in the making of nutritious, beautiful and delicious food when we give our chickens room to roam and healthy lives.
Don’t have space for birds of your own? Find a friend or someone local who has a flock, chances are they have eggs to spare! ❤️

alchemist_farmEat The Rainbow
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Quail Eggs

🌿Quail Eggs🌿
Quail are SO prolific! They lay 5-6 eggs a week without fail and begin to do so at just 8 weeks of age which is lightning fast in the world of poultry.
Did you know that whatever pattern of bloom a quail hen lays on her eggs is the pattern she creates her whole life? It may not be in the exact same place on the egg from a given day to another but it is always in the same theme. Big dots, gentle speckles or even swirls that look like smoke.
Nature never ceases to amaze us here on the farm. It inspires us, beckons us to come outside and interact with it, care for it, and conserve it. 🌏
What’s your quail egg color fancy? Blue or brown speckled? 😊

alchemist_farmQuail Eggs
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Perfect Design

🌿Perfect Design🌿
Every Monday during our hatching season we open our hatchers and sort/count the weeks fluffy chicks. After the chicks have been carefully moved from the hatcher we inspect the eggs that have not hatched to see if any chicks are still making a late entrance into the world.
This chick was quietly sitting in its shell, looking around at the world around it. It was pausing before making its final pushes to get out of the only home it has ever known.
We know they the chicks are quite snug in their eggs but this visual was a stunning reminder of nature’s perfect design. There is not a millimeter of extra space inside a chickens egg. The chicks grow to fill the space and then carefully, oh so carefully peck their way out.


Nature only takes what it needs, and uses its spaces and resources wisely. It is a powerful example for us humans to follow. ❤️

alchemist_farmPerfect Design
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