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Chicks are sold straight run and individually 🙂
Extremely rare and beautiful, we are thrilled to be continuing offering to offer these exquisites and rare birds to you all as part of our 2025 breed lineup! We have our own line of Double Silver Laced Barnevelders we have named the “Alchemist Line” which you will find no where else in the United States.
Each chick has a 50/50 chance of being male or female.
Quick Breed Stats
Egg Color: cream
Egg Bloom: sometimes the eggs can have a pink tint
Egg Size: slightly larger than a bantam egg
Egg Texture: smooth untextured
Egg Production During Spring and Summer: high 5 eggs a week, will lay year round if given proper conditions
Meat Production: best for egg production, males are small but have some meat on them.
Heat Tolerance: very good if shade is provided
Cold Tolerance: very good if free from drafts. Use vaseline to prevent frostbite in winter for Roosters with large combs
Disposition: extremely sweet, smart and curious. Will come running for treats.
Weeks to Maturity: 22
Free Range Ability: very high, very predator wise – roosters are excellent protectors of the hens.
Likelihood They Will Want To Hatch Eggs: low
Our line of barnies are 1/8 large fowl and the rest bantam the marriage of the two created a bird that is slightly smaller than a medium framed bird. Our line of Double Silver Laced Barnevelders give generously sized shiny cream to tan eggs while boasting the same exquisite lacing pattern. We choose to do this cross because as with many rare breeds introduced into the United States the gene pool is limited and immunity can be an issue. We are a farm that is committed first and foremost to creating robust healthy chicks, you can expect the same quality you have come to know from this beautiful line.
These birds are slightly smaller than a standard sized hen but not anywhere near a bantam, they are an excellent choice for people who have a smaller sized backyard and love the esthetic of truly beautiful heritage birds.
As with all of the breeds we work with, the personality on the Barnevelders is extremely docile around humans. The roosters are gentlemen with the hens and dutifully protect them from hawks.