
Moss Eggers

🌿Moss Eggers🌿

We are always tinkering to find new depths of color for eggs. Colorful eggs make excellent conversation starters that lead to discussions on where our food comes from and how it is treated along the way.
Not all eggs are equal in terms of nutritional value. Every chicken has the ability to turn an egg into something exquisitely nutritious but they must be given the proper forage and feed to be able to pass on whole nutrients to us.
In a world of factory farmed/caged pearl leghorn chickens you will never find a green egg such as this. This color, and all the colors we breed for represent something different. To us they represent a different possibility for our food systems. A possibility in which animals are treated with respect and given excellent living conditions. A possibility in which we feed our families real food that is raised in integrity with our environment.

It does not have to be out of reach, it can be a reality and it can start with your own backyard. One small coop, a few hens, a small garden and before you know it – you and your family are eating pure food ❤️

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